
The town of Delta is a small, quaint western town where the people are friendly and look out after each other. There is excellent food in Delta, along with all the shopping and emanities you can enjoy in Montrose or Grand Junction and it’s only a short 30-minute drive from Grand Mesa Aviation. 

 As a small family-run business, we can offer the personal attention that every student pilot deserves. Our goal is to bring fun, high quality, and efficient flight training to our students. We will make sure that you not only pass the tests but have a deep understanding of what you are learning.

The western slope one of the best places to learn to fly with our excellent year-round weather, and with the mountainous terrain, you will gain the invaluable experience of flying in the mountains! 

You will learn to understand the winds and safely navigate through the mountains and experience some of the most rewarding flying available in the lower 48. When learning how to fly on instruments, you will understand the importance of obstacle departure procedures and staying on course.

 This experience will teach you the difference between having a successful flight and a disaster.  By learning to fly here on the western slope, you will have the confidence and ability to safely travel across the country and truly experience the freedom of flight.


 To visiting friends and family, finding that fantastic fly-in restaurant, or making aviation your career, learning to fly with Grand Mesa Aviation will be the most significant stepping stone in your flying adventure!

About the Owner

I have dreamed of being a pilot since I was very young. I started wanting to be an astronaut at about age four and realized that it probably would not happen, so I decided that flying a plane would be the next best thing! Dad would take us to airshows a lot and random airports to watch airplanes, and I loved every minute of it! I earned my private pilot certificate in Grand Junction, Colorado, in 2008; it indeed was a life-changing event! I am now a commercial pilot and certified flight instructor. I also have my multi-engine rating, instrument rating, and instrument instructor certificate.

Over the years, I have realized that serving others is life’s greatest calling. Whether it’s building tents and handing out diapers in a refugee camp in Greece, cleaning up after tornadoes and hurricanes in Mississippi, or teaching others the freedom of flight, life is about serving others. My goal is to genuinely care about the people I work with and meet in my daily life.

As an instructor, I have the great honor to help others bring their dreams to reality! Walking along with a student from the wonder and amazement of their first flight, learning the knowledge and skills, passing the check ride, and becoming the newest private pilot! It is also gratifying to help private pilots to earn their instrument rating and the commercial certificate. As pilots, we are always learning and to be an active part of that progress is a rewarding experience!

So if you would like to meet with me and experience the freedom that flying brings, give me a call! We’ll go up for a quick tour around the valley and discuss the best path forward for you.


Jonathan Mast

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