Flight Instruction
Grand Mesa Aviation Flight Instruction

The Freedom Of Flight
From the beginning of time, man has looked into the skies and watched the eagles soaring over the ridges and wished he could fly as well. Since 1903, we as people can climb into our airplanes and experience the freedom that flight brings! It is one of the greatest privileges we have in our time. Many people look up at the sky and watch a plane fly over and wish they could do that. Well, now is the time to take those dreams and make them into reality!
Private Flight Certificate
The first step is earning your private pilot certificate. We offer training under part 61 of the FAA
regulations. Training under part 61 means that we can work with your schedule and go at the
speed that works best for you. We will work with you to fit your lifestyle and schedule; from our
accelerated private pilot course in 14 days to only flying twice a week, we will work with you to
personalize the training program. Our ground school is all online, and we recommend two
companies for this portion of the training. Our flight training is in our beautiful Cessna 172 with
the latest avionics from Garmin. We also offer our Cessna 182 for training as well. We will also
teach in your aircraft. Learn in the beautiful mountains of Colorado to learn what it means to be
free as a bird!

Instrument Rating
The next step in aviation is earning your Instrument Rating. An instrument rating allows you to
fly into the clouds and low visibility and opens a whole new world of possibilities. It also brings
your skills to a much higher level as a pilot! When learning on instruments, the pilot must
develop the skills to fly smoothly and precisely to operate safely. This skill set brings enhanced
safety and decision-making skills to your flying lifestyle. The miracle of instrument flight is that
you take off into the clouds and navigate your way across the country. Then a few hours later,
descend on an approach 200ft above the ground at the correct airport and on the right runway,
all without seeing outside the airplane. Truly amazing! We offer a 14 day accelerated instrument
rating course or whatever your schedule allows. Another benefit of learning instruments in
Colorado is understanding the importance of avoiding the very high terrain and how high altitude
affects your aircraft performance. Learning these skills is super important, and you’ll not be
getting them in the lower parts of the country. Also, with the latest avionics in our Cessna 172,
learning instruments is genuinely an incredible experience. We also will gladly teach in your
aircraft. Call today for details!
Commercial Pilot
The next step in aviation is to get your Commercial Pilot Certificate. If you are thinking about a
career as a pilot, this is the next step. To become a commercial pilot, we will teach you how to
be a complete master of the airplane. The training focuses on the smoothness and total
manipulation of the aircraft. You are learning how to be a real professional as a pilot. The skill
and grace of making the aircraft do precisely as you wish is truly a beautiful thing! Our six-day
accelerated commercial pilot course will get you there in a hurry! Or we will work with your
schedule to complete the training in the best way possible. Our Cessna 172 is a Technically
Advanced Aircraft or TAA. Flying in a TAA qualifies for the particular time needed for the
Commercial Certificate. Call us today for details!

Specialty Training
We also offer mountain flying checkouts, Back Country flying into dirt and grass strips, Skydive
Jump Pilot Training, flight reviews, instrument proficiency checks, high performance, tailwheel
training, complex, and CFI-I. Bring your plane, and one of our CFI’s will work with you on the
instruction that you need. Here at Grand Mesa Aviation, we believe in high-quality training in the
most efficient way possible. Learn with us in the most beautiful part of the country! And we
promise it will be an enjoyable experience!
Accelerated Courses
Grand Mesa Aviation offers an accelerated course. This course is the best fit for someone who
has already finished their medical and written test. You would be flying 6-8 hours every day for
14 days. This course still offers all the knowledge and training as the others it's just more
intense and compacted. Coming from out of state is easy...Book an Air BnB or hotel nearby and
you could be a pilot in 2 weeks!